Quotes From "The Salt Point" By Paul Russell

Chris is a little ashamed of having once fallen for him: it makes him sad how everything changes, how ruthless the heart can be. Paul Russell
There’s always people looking the other way when the miracles take place, people who want only a good night’s sleep when the stars are dancing, comets falling, the angels leaning low out of midnight with their trumpets, their cantatas of longing. Paul Russell
It is Halloween, ” he explains coyly. “I wanted to come out as something beautiful. None of this witch stuff for me. My God, don’t we spend our whole life as witches? Paul Russell
You get exactly what you want, Anatole’s always suspected, only when you get it it’s no longer what you want, you need something else. Paul Russell
That’s the way Chris lives, warning everyone who gets close of the lightning that may strike. Never touch anything, never make a mark. But Anatole can’t live that way. The world’s too lonely a place: he has to touch things, he has to put his arms around them. Paul Russell